Online Guest Lecture Series #3

Saturday, July 19, 2021 – After successfully holding the Online Guest Lecture Series #2 which presented expert speakers in the field of health statistics modeling. The Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Brawijaya again held an Online Guest Lecture Series #3. The third series of Online Guest Lecture activities with the theme “Structural Equation Model”. Similar to the Online Guest Lecture Series #2, this activity is open to the academic community in the internal environment of the Statistics Department and Non-Statistics Department. The purpose of organizing this activity is to add insight and deepen statistical scientific topics, especially in the economic and social fields to lecturers, education staff, and students in the Statistics Department and Non-Statistics Department.

In this Online Guest Lecture Series #3, two speakers are experts in the field of Structural Equation Model (SEM), namely the first speaker, Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S., one of the Lecturers of the Department of Statistics, Universitas Brawijaya with the material presented in the form of an Overview of the Structural Equation Model. And the second speaker, Dr. Eduwin Pakpahan from the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University with the material presented in the form of a Structural Equation Model on Longitudinal Data. The Online Guest Lecture Series #3 activity started at 12.45 WIB with a video screening of the Statistics Department profile. At 13.00 WIB, the event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, namely Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Med.Sc. with the hope that the event can run smoothly and can be useful in adding insight to participants because it contains the latest material.

The Online Guest Lecture Series #3 activity is divided into 2 sessions, the first session is the presentation of the Structural Equation Model material by Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S. for 60 minutes. The presenter explains the structure of quantitative research, research hypotheses, research types based on data analysis methods, research domain, modeling, latent data and latent multi variables, reflective and formative indicator methods, regression analysis, simultaneous equation system, factor analysis, path analysis as the basis of Structure Equation Model (SEM).

The second session was the delivery of Structural Equation Model material on Longitudinal Data by Dr. Eduwin Pakpahan for 60 minutes. The speaker explained SEM background, examples of latent variables, latent variables in the matrix, longitudinal data including changes and factors, structures, and mixed models.

The Online Guest Lecture Series #3 activity is very popular with lecturers and students, seeing the number of registrants as many as 540 with a total attendance of 240 participants. Even though during the activity there were network problems that caused the material delivery not to be conducive because the presenter had left the Zoom room for a few minutes, but this could be resolved by turning the free time into a question and answer session. However, the participants really appreciated this activity and hoped that the Statistics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Brawijaya would be pleased to hold this event again with themes such as Nonparametric Regression, Multivariate Analysis, Geographically Weight Least Square, Time series, Survival Analysis, Spatial Econometrics, AMOS, and Data Mining.