Judul Publikasi Mahasiswa

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1 HARIANTO 176090500111009 2021 Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model with Gaussian Kernel Weighted Function and Bisquare Kernel Weighted Function https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1115/1/012063/pdf
2 DEBY ARDIANTI 186090500011002 2021 Distance and Areas Weighting of GWR Kriging for Stunting Cases In East Java https://ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/Math/article/view/10455/0
3 HANIFAH MUTHIAH 176090500111005 2021 Support Vector Regression (SVR) Model for Seasonal Time Series Data https://ieomsociety.org/proceedings/2021indonesia/574.pdf
4 AISYAH ALIFA 206090500111007 2022 Comparison of Cluster Validity Index and Distance Measures Using Integrated Cluster Analysis and Path Analysis http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol99No23/26Vol99No23.pdf
5 NUR KAMILAH SA`DIYAH 196090500111003 2022 1. Simulation Study of Bayesian Hurdle Poisson Regression on The Number of Deaths from Chronic Filariasis in Indonesia https://www.hrpub.org/download/20220530/MS16-13426825.pdf
2. Bayesian Hurdle Poisson Regression for Assumption Violation https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/ic-magestic-21/125970035
3. Simulation Study of Bayesian Hurdle Poisson Regression on The Number of Deaths from Chronic Filariasis in Indonesia https://ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/Math/article/view/15549/0
6 AISYAH ARYANDANI 206090500011003 2022 Implementation Of Fuzzy C-Means In Investor Group In The Stock Market Post-Covid-19 Pandemic https://wseas.com/journals/articles.php?id=6971
7 FARID UBAIDILLAH 206090500011002 2022 Truncated Spline Path Analysis Modeling on Community Welfare in Company X with the Governments Role as a Mediation Variable https://digitalcommons.aaru.edu.jo/jsap/vol11/iss3/3/
8 ABELA CHAIRUNISSA 206090500111006 2022 Creditor Classification Logistic Regression Ensemble Boosting and Logistic Regression in Creditor Classification with Binary Response https://wseas.com/journals/articles.php?id=2065
9 NOVI NUR AINI 196090500111006 2022 Comparison of Adaptive Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing and Recurrent Neural Network Model for Forecasting Rainfall in Malang City https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/comtech/article/view/7570
10 NIEL ANANTO 186090500111004 2022 Ensemble Analysis of the Students Length of Study at University of Klabat Manado Indonesia https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1811/1/012079/pdf
11 WIGBERTUS NGABU 196090500111001 2022 Spatial Modeling Of Fixed Effect And Random Effect With Cluster Fast Double Bootstrap Approach https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/comtech/article/view/8033
12 HAZRINA ISHMAH 196090500111002 2022 Multiple Discriminant Analysis Altman Z-Score, Multiple Discriminant Analysis Stepwise and K-Means Cluster for Classification of Financial Distress Status in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019 https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/ic-magestic-21/125970015
13 FANDI REZIAN PRATAMA GULTOM 176090500111007 2022 Bootstrap Resampling in Gompertz Growth Model https://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/jtam/article/view/8617
14 Erlinda Citra Lucki Efendi 206090517111003 2022 Modeling of Path Nonparametric Truncated Spline Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic in Model on Time Paying Bank Credit https://www.hrpub.org/download/20211130/MS11-13425010.pdf
15 Endang Krisnawati 206090517111006 2022 Development of Nonparametric Path Model Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) Method In Compliance Behavior of Paying Credit In Bank https://wseas.com/journals/articles.php?id=2044
16 Ni Made Ayu Astari Badung 206090517111002 2022 Comparison of Distance and Linkage in Integrated Cluster Analysis with Multiple Discriminant Analysis on Home Ownership Credit Bank in Indonesia https://www.hrpub.org/download/20211130/MS12-13425063.pdf
17 Fathiyatul Laili Nur Rasyidah 206090517111005 2022 Development Of Path Analysis Based On Nonparametric Regression http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol99No23/2Vol99No23.pdf
18 Eva Fadilah Ramadhani 206090517111004 2022 Comparison of Discriminant Analysis and Adaptive Boosting Classification and Regression Trees on Data with Unbalanced Class https://wseas.com/journals/mathematics/2021/b405106-1482.pdf
19 Alifya Al Rohimi 206090517111004 2022 Optimization of Parameters on Support Vector Machines at Various Factor Level Values http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol99No23/29Vol99No23.pdf
20 Djihan Wahyuni 206090517111007 2023 Fuzzy Sugeno Method For Opinion Classification Regarding Policy Of Ppkm And Covid-19 Vaccination https://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/jtam/article/view/10096
21 Nabila Azarin Balqis 206090517111009 2023 Principal Component Regression With Variational Bayesian Principal Component Analysis Approach To Handle Multicollinearity And Missing Data https://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/jtam/article/view/10223
22 Fahimah Fauwziyah 206090500111002 2023 Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression Modeling using Adaptive Kernel on the Number of Maternal Deaths during Childbirth https://www.hrpub.org/download/20220930/MS2513428454.pdf
23 Nisa Dwirahma Widhiasih 206090500011004 2023 Implementation of Spatial Panel Cross-Correlation on the Growth of GRDP and the Level Urbanization of Regencies/Municipalities in East Java, 2014–2019 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0166492
24 Ahmad Taufiq 176090500011004 2023 Geographically Weighted Regression in Cox Survival Analysis for Weibull Distributed Data with Bayesian Approach https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/546/5/052078
25 Yumna Aqila Kaltsum 216090501111002 2023 Multiresponse Regression Semiparametric Truncated Spline (Case Study: Skin Defect Of Farming Cows http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol101No6/18Vol101No6.pdf
26 Ananda Ajeng Puspitasari 226090517111002 2023 Development of Nonparametric Truncated Spline at Various Levels of Auticorrelation of Longitudinal Generating Data https://digitalcommons.aaru.edu.jo/jsap/vol12/iss2/35/
27 Mamlu’atul Marchamah 216090500111002 2023 Application of Interaction Methods and Multigroups Analysisi in Stuctural Equation Modeling Using the Warppls Approach (Study on Bank X Housing Loans) https://www.naturalspublishing.com/download.asp?ArtcID=26846
28 Carmelia Nabila Permatasari 226090517111006 2023 Sentiment Analysis And Support Vector Machine One Versus One For Collectability Classification of Banks House Ownership Loan https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijads
29 Henida Ratna Ayu Putri 226090517111005 2023 Credit Customer Segmentaion with Hierarchical Clustering at Various Distances http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol101No2/18Vol101No2.pdf
30 Tamara Rezti Syafriana 216090501111005 2023 1. Development of Nonparametric Structural Equation Modeling on Simulation Data Using Exponential Functions https://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=12753
2. Data Science-based Statistical Modeling in Revealing Community Intentions and Behaviors for the Covid-19 Vaccine https://www.hrpub.org/download/20220830/UJPH8-17625470.pdf
31 Avida Zahra 226090517111003 2023 Cluster Analysis Integration Model with Survival Analysis for Late Payment of House Ownership Loan (Case Study: House Ownership Loan Bank X Customer) https://digitalcommons.aaru.edu.jo/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1637&context=jsap
32 Jauharin Insiyah 196090500111008 2023 1. Monitoring Shift On Non-Normal Multivariate Processes Using T2 Hotelling Double Bootstrap Control Chart https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2903/1/090006/2914609/Monitoring-shift-on-non-normal-multivariate?redirectedFrom=fulltext
2. Air Quality Control Using  2 T Hotelling Double Bootstrap Control Chart With Vector Autoregressive Model Approach http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol101No2/3Vol101No2.pdf
33 Alifiandi Rafi Muhammad 216090501111003 2023 Robust Fast-MCD Elastic Net HJ Biplot Analysis for Mapping Cabbage Yields in Greater Malang https://www.philstat.org/index.php/MSEA/article/view/613
34 Dahlia Gladiola Rurina Menufandu 186090500111001 2023 Estimation Of Maximum Likelihood Weighted Logistic Regression Using Genetic Algorithm (Case Study: Individual Work Status In Malang City https://ojs3.unpatti.ac.id/index.php/barekeng/article/view/7633
35 Zerlita fahdha Pusdiktasari 196090500011001 2023 1. An Improved Weighted Median Algorithm for Spatial Outliers Detection https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/comtech/article/view/7821
2. The Optimality of East Java’s Economic Equality Policy Implementation During Covid-19, Application of Spatial Outlier Detection Method https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2903/1/090001/2914586/Modified-geographically-weighted-regression-to?redirectedFrom=fulltext
36 M. Fikar Papalia 186090500111007 2023 Comparison Of Resampling Efficiency Levels Of Jackknife And Double Jackknife In Path Analysis https://ojs3.unpatti.ac.id/index.php/barekeng/article/download/7805/5942
37 Elok Pratiwi 226090517111007 2023 Determination Of Factors That Affect Under Five Mortality Rate Using Geographically Weighted Generalized Poisson Regression (GWGPR) In Lamongan https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2903/1/090010/2914574/Determination-of-factors-that-affect-under-five?redirectedFrom=fulltext
38 Naufal Shela Abdila 226090517111004 2023 1. Map Distribution of Factors Affecting Stunting in East Nusa Tenggara https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/edaj/article/view/64908
2. Modified geographically weighted regression to accommodate the spatial lag of predictor in the model (case study of stunting data in East Nusa Tenggara Province 2021) https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2903/1/090001/2914586/Modified-geographically-weighted-regression-to?redirectedFrom=fulltext
39 Muhammad Liswansyah Pratama 216090501111001 2023 1. Fix Effect SUR to Analyze Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries https://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/esp/article/view/17821
2. Panel Seemingly Unrelated Regression with Dummy Variables for Economic Modeling Of Developed And Developing Country https://wseas.com/journals/articles.php?id=8118
40 Tenti Amelya 226090517111001 2023 Simultaneous Model on Sustainable Development Indicators of Java Island 2017-2020 https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2903/1/090002/2914607/Simultaneous-model-on-sustainable-development?redirectedFrom=fulltext
41 Evitari Galu Erwinda 216090501011001 2023 Integrasi Analisis Klaster Non-Hierarki dengan Regresi Multirespon Semiparametrik Truncated Spline https://www.jatit.org/volumes/hundredone15.php