Thank you, we pray for the blessing of Allah SWT for the opportunity given, so that the Community Service Guidelines for FMIPA DPP / SPP funds for the 2019 Budget Year can be resolved. In general, this book is a guidebook for the previous fiscal year which has undergone revisions according to the needs of the 2018 Budget Year with several additions in accordance with the development of needs. The basic thing about this edition is the hope that the Community Service Output of DPP / SPP funds can make a real contribution to UB’s ranking. Thus it is expected that with a limited number of budgets but still produce output that can contribute to the form of ranking of Community Service activities in UB. In general, Community Service activities aim to:

1). Dissemination and application of research results,
2). Education, service, and empowerment to the community and regional development and Real Work Lectures, and
3). Promotion and introduction of Study Programs / Departments / Faculties / Universities to the Community.

As one of the mandatory components of the Tri Dharma College, Community Service must be carried out by all Lecturers at least once a year. Therefore, it is expected that the DPP / SPP funds can meet the needs of all Lecturers to carry out Community Service activities even though it does not rule out the possibility of Community Service independently or using other competitive budgetary resources.

Intensive monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) from each department and reviewer is needed so that the quality of research and community service can be accounted for. Thus, the flexibility given to the department to carry out the selection process and determine the proposals received must also be accompanied by strict M & E, so that the output of Community Service activities can contribute to UB’s competitiveness and provide empowerment and tangible benefits to all stakeholders and the public.

Malang, January 30, 2019
Head of Research and Community Service


Dr. Sunaryo, S.Si.,M.Si
NIP. 196712281994121001

Download Guidelines for DPP/SPP Community Service FMIPA (2020) (in Indonesian)