The Undergraduate Statistics Study Program began with Statistics interest in Mathematics Study Program of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty in 1992 and was officially established in 1998 based on Letter Number 54/DIKTI/Kep./1998 under the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. The Undergraduate Statistics Study Program excellence in the field of life sciences and socio-economic statistics. Thanks to the active participation and hard work of the entire academic community, the Statistics Study Program Accreditation results received an A for the 2014 to 2019 period.
To anticipate the development of sciences and the demands of the world of work, the curriculum is reconstructed once in every 4 (four) years. The curriculum reconstruction process is based on the First, Indonesian Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI)), Higher Education National Standards (Standar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), DIKTI Regulations, university load, faculties and study program competencies. Second, Indonesian Statistics Higher Education Forum (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Statistika Indonesia (FPTSI)), Recommended Curriculum Standards for the Undergraduate Program of Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics Education. The result of comparative studies from the domestic Statistics Program (IPB, UGM, ITS) and abroad Statistics Program (Stanford University, University of California, and Harvard University). Third, the result of self-evaluation, tracer study, profile of graduates, alumni, and users of graduates.
In the teaching and learning process and the development of statistics in life sciences and economics, three study groups have been formed namely Statistics Theory and Computation, Statistics of Life Sciences, and Economic Statistics.